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Hermes Kelly Replica SubscriptionsGo to the Subscriptions Centre to manage your:My ProfilePatrons of private golf courses will still be able to light up when they tee off after Regina’s new smoking bylaw takes effect Knockoff Hermes Bag, a city spokesperson said.The new bylaw, which comes into effect July 15, bans smoking on all city owned spaces and on the patios of restaurants and bars within the city.The ban extends to publicly owned golf courses in the city but not private courses Replica Hermes Birkin, like the Wascana Golf and Country Club, for example.Regina city council passes new smoking bylawRegina city councillors propose even stricter smoking, vaping bylawThe ban includes private clubs and patios, such as the Q Nightclub and Lounge, but once smokers are on a private golfing green they’ll be allowed to puff.The bylaw, which was passed unanimously, still needs clarification before it comes into effect hermesbirkinbagmart.com, according to Coun. Jerry Flegel Knockoff Hermes, noting the 10 metre buffer zone between doors and smokers as one point needing to be cleared up.”If you’re 30 [feet] away from the door, in a parking lot supposedly it’s OK, but you’re still on city property,” Flegel said.”You can be 100 feet away from a door, standing by your car, you’re still on city property. Can you smoke?” Hermes Kelly Replica.